So where to start? This time in the last few months has been both a blessing and a curse. We have all been dealing with the stress and uncertainty and ups and downs of this time - with periods of loneliness, anger and frustration. But for me this time has also brought about some much needed time of artistic freedom and productivity. And time to make my flat into the colourful place I want it to be! I'm trying to be brave with colour and inject life into what was a very plain, cream coloured flat when I moved in.
Injecting colour into a room
I have included some images below of some of my projects. Turning my bedside table flamingo pink and gold was so fun! I'm still not decided on what colour to paint my bedroom wall but I'm enjoying trying out different testers (currently making an unintended mural). I usually use Craig and Rose paints which I love - their colours are lovely and the tester pots are great and also versatile for both walls and wood.

Matching duck egg blue and pink on my new velvet shell chair - now showing off a Sapphire Summers Luxury flamingo cushion.

I hung these hanging plants recently - it was simple to place them over the curtain rail at different heights to add some interest when walking into the lounge. They are also fake (as they don't actually get any natural light in that position!). I also previously painted the corner cupboard using a very bright teal paint and using gilding paint for the gold handles. In the lockdown I also discovered a beautiful Bluebell field at Beckenham Place Park and picked one or two for a vadse one day! I've since realised I'm not meant to do this! Don't tell anyone!

Creating a gallery wall
This area of my lounge needed organising and I have since made it look less cluttered but there's still work to do! I spent time doing a gallery wall but this has definitely been harder than I thought it would be, and it needs more rearranging to get it looking better. I absolutely love this blue paint shade by Dulux - I wanted it to match both blue and green accents in the room which I think it does very well. Its best to plan these things in advance before you put anything up!

I hope to improve my interior design skills going forward and keep making each room look better as I go along. It's so lovely to have a large space to display my cushions and artwork. It's become such an enjoyable place to live due to colour and vibrancy.